Et si nous nous offrions une relation meilleure encore?

Le quotidien a-t-il laissé notre communication au second plan?

Our Proposal

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  • Un style de vie suggéré au long d’un week-end, nommé « le week-end »
  • Une expérience relationnelle qui s’est répandue au cours du temps qui s’adresse aux couples, aux couples concubins ou fiancés, (et jeunes célibataires et personnes seules en Belgique seulement).

Nos weekends



Un week-end pour couples, prêtres, religieux et religieuses.

Couples de fiancés


Un week-end centré sur leur relation actuelle et leur futur (leur projet)

Week-end Choisir (non disponible en France)

Pour vous aider à transformer vos rêves en réalité de la vie quotidienne

Week-end famille (non disponible en France)

Prendre conscience de votre rôle dans la construction de l’unité familiale

Personnes seules (non disponible en France)

Pour les personnes de plus de 35 ans, veuves et veufs, divorcées ou séparées

Evénements importants ou nouvelles


Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has shown his concern for those who suffer, inside and outside the Church. One of his concerns relates to the pain caused to thousands of people within the Church by being abused sexually or spiritually, or through the abuse of power. This concern has been transferred to all corners of the People of God, and among them, to the movements or associations of the Church, through the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. This Dicastery convened all the movements and associations at the Vatican in June 2019. Encuentro Matrimonial was present and therefore, we have responded to the call that was made to us, developing a protocol and beginning to provide training, in order to be able to respond both to measures to prevent any type of abuse, as well as to welcome possible victims who may have suffered abuse in our movement.

The call from the Dicastery of Laity, Family and Life is to awareness of shared responsibility, as members of the body of the Church, by virtue of baptism and the commitment proper to ecclesial movements.

In the closing session, Cardinal Farrell addressed to those present a heartfelt appeal to act responsibly, equipping themselves with all the means, as requested and indicated by the Dicastery through the corresponding circular of May 2018, to recognise abuses, combat and prevent them, taking advantage of the formative potential that is the proper task of ecclesial associations and movements.

Cardinal Farrell said: "It is necessary that you equip yourselves adequately and that, without wasting time, you assume your responsibilities, giving an account of what has been entrusted to you, without looking away from the wounds inflicted on the Body of Christ which is the Church in our brothers and sisters, caring for the wounded and working to ensure that no more abuses occur.

"It is necessary that each of your associations recognised by the Holy See prepare the necessary instruments, train suitable and competent people, create a special office, which will be made known to all and of which the Dicastery will be informed, so that there is someone who can receive reports of abuse, listen to the victims, deal adequately with each question, with due confidentiality, freedom and competence".

This is why Marriage Encounter has received and approved a safeguarding protocol in the World Council, which includes two lines of action: prevention, so that these situations do not occur in our environment, and intervention in cases that may be reported. Our goal is to make Marriage Encounter a safe environment!

Anyone who is aware of cases of abuse of power, trust or sexual abuse can write to:

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