Singles Weekend

Singles Weekend

This weekend is aimed at single people over 35 years old, widows and widowers, people who are divorced or separated.

The aim is to get to know and love each other better, to become aware of today’s reality, to build a future with confidence and to live in relationship with others.

Several themes are addressed during this two-day weekend:

  • Encounter with oneself, so as to learn to love myself better;
  • The desert experience: looking at my solitude in a creative and fruitful way;
  • Being reconciled with myself and living in peace;
  • My relationship with others: being reconciled with others;
  • The language of the body, especially how I experience tenderness;
  • Finding the source of my life and knowing what makes me live;
  • Being born to relationships: as a single person, I need to create bonds, I can receive from others and offer to others.
People who are single, widowed and divorced, a priest and a couple talk about their daily life through concrete examples. The speakers are not professionals. Each testimony is followed by a time for personal reflection followed by sharing in small groups where the suggested avenues are explored through discussion This is not a spiritual retreat. Nor does this weekend have the objective of organising meetings between potential partners.
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