Why did I get up this morning? What are the values that guide my life? What motivates me to continue my commitment as a person and as a couple in Marriage Encounter? These and other questions will be presented during a new weekend.

For 50 years, Marriage Encounter has been offering couples and priests a sparkling and unrepeatable experience, known to all by a simple word: weekend. It does so using a method and language that are unique all over the world and have remained unchanged over the years.

Josico and Susana with father Jun, the actual worldwide team leaders of Marriage Encounter, will present this new weekend to couples and priests from all over Europe, gathered for the occasion in Sacrofano (Rome).

DARE TO LOVE, that is the name of this new weekend, starts on Friday 14 April 2023 and ends on Sunday 16 with Mass and lunch. As in every formation weekend there will be a series of presentations, a time for personal reflection, in couples or in teams, and a time for sharing in groups.

Susana and Josico, with father Andy, dreamt up and designed this weekend when they were the European Team. It is especially aimed at young couples and priests presenting weekend and is part of a larger project known as Lighthouse 2033 Project. An ambitious, forward-looking project designed for the youth leaders of today and tomorrow. The aim of the weekend is to train, as far as possible, future responsibles so that they are not unprepared for the rapid and often unpredictable changes in the society in which we live: a rapidly evolving liquid society.

DARE TO LOVE has the advantage of using modern, appealing language and a light, lively style in accordance with the times, in full respect of the original message of Marriage Encounter!

For the Marriage Encounter Community, the DARE TO LOVE weekend is therefore a great opportunity to continue on the path taken and to better learn how to invite, accompany and challenge today’s married couples and priests in their arduous and fascinating journey as a couple and as a person in relationship with the others.

Paola and Felice Raineri with Father Ralph Schmeder
European Team of Marriage Encounter

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